Monday, June 17, 2013

Seizure Disorder

Not sure how many of you know, but I have a seizure disorder, which was diagnosed in about the 7th grade, and has frustrated me ever since. I have had seizures off and on, but for the past few years they have been under control with meds. Because of taking seizure meds, I am limited as far as what jobs I am able to do. I am not able to get a CDL, and most places will not let me drive commercially, even though the meds totally control my seizures. So...I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for my yearly visit with the neurologist, and am going to ask him about weaning off of the meds. I don't know how long they generally want people to be seizure free before weaning off of meds, but I am hoping he will be able to give me some answers, and maybe start that process.
Even considering that is a very scary thing for me, because of the fact that I have been on these meds for a while, and they've been working well. The last time something changed with my meds, I was unable to go back to the meds I had been on, and had to go through the process of figuring out what meds would work to control the seizures.
If anyone out there has experience with weaning off of seizure meds, I'd be interested in hearing about it. Thanks for your encouragement, and I'll let you know what happens, and how it goes at the doctor's.

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