Thursday, January 5, 2012

Two Months

Hadley Ann...two months old on January first. That means she had to go in for her two month shots, which was not exactly a fun ordeal. :-P She cried for a few minutes after the shots, but then was achy the rest of the day, and so was kind of whiny off and on for the rest of that day, and part of the next day. I like it MUCH better when she is smiley, and not whiny. I'm weird that way.
She also got weighed and measured and all that jazz at this appointment to make sure she's still doing everything she's supposed to as far as growing. She is 22.5" long, which was the 79th percentile, weighed 10 lbs and 3 oz, which is the 50th percentile, and her head was in the 48th percentile (I forget the measurement). She's lucky...she didn't get my big head.
She's now smiling more and more in response to things we do, which I like, because then I don't make a fool out of myself without a reward. Guess that's it for this update. She's still growing and doing all the things babies do...eating, sleeping, pooping, crying...and now smiling (and once in a while a laugh, too). Here's a picture from the day she turned two months. Enjoy!!!

The Hulk

Here's a funny story that happened at work yesterday. I work as a teacher's aide 
in a multiple handicap room in a high school. Yesterday, at lunch, one of the 
kids stuffed 2 1/2 cookies in his mouth very rapidly. One of the other teachers 
asked him to stop. This agitated him, so he shoved the last 1/2 of his cookie 
into his mouth. Then he grabbed his shirt with both hands, and did a real live Hulk 
move, tearing it from the top down to almost the bottom. Ah, the joys of working 
with special ed kids. Never a dull moment.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mr. Mom for a day (or 3)

So thus starts the adventures of being a daddy and having to do everything for a baby all day. YIKES!!! Abi went back to work on Saturday, after having just under 2 months off, so I was left to fend for myself taking care of Hadley. While childcare is not my specialty, I am able to to do it when necessary. We (yes, both of us) survived all three days of mommy working 12 hour shifts, and in about an hour and a half, my Mr. mom duties are over for a while. I prefer it like that.
While most of the time was uneventful, and passed with not much excitement, there were a few things that were fun(ny). Saturday night, just before the new year started, at about 11:45, Hadley decided to do some confetti while mommy was changing her diaper, and projectile pooped all over. Guess she just wanted to welcome in the new year with some excitement. :-P
Every day about lunch time Hadley and I would go visit Abi at work, which is at the hospital for those who don't know our personal lives all that well. On the second day as I was walking in and seeing the same receptionists and security guards, I was thinking, "I bet these people are thinking, 'That poor man having to raise that child alone while his wife is in the hospital.'" Interesting to wonder if people recognize you after just seeing you once.
January 1st was Hadley's 2 month...ummm...birthday...? so that was a notable day in her life thus far. We'll know tomorrow how big she is and everything after she goes in for her two month check-up and shots.
Hadley got to ride in my pickup truck for the first time on Saturday. When we went to visit Abi, I had to install the second car seat base in my truck so she could ride in there.
So there you have it...3 days in the life a daddy and a baby. Slightly less exciting than some may need to peak their interest, but real life stuff none the less. Have a good one, and I'll try to post more frequently.