Sunday, July 14, 2013

Life in a Museum

If any of you have ever had to live for months feeling like you were in a "museum", you will be able to relate to the unnecessary amount of stress that is placed on so many families each year. The ridiculous expectations and the unbelievably high standard that so many are forced to strive for causes a stress level that, if people would have a realistic view of life, is completely unnecessary.

Millions of Americans go through a process each year that causes an undue amount of stress. This process is one that unfortunately, most people will have to go through at least once in their lifetime. Some will have to go through it many more times than that. The process of selling your house is one that causes a huge amount of stress that is entirely unnecessary.

While your home is on the market, you are asked to pack up so much of your stuff that living becomes uncomfortable. Your home feels as if it has become a museum, because everything has to be in exactly the right place all the time, "just in case there is a showing." Furniture is rearranged from how you had it to live, placed in unnatural positions and you have to keep everything just so. Every time a kid takes a toy out to play, you stress, because you'll have to pick it up in 5 minutes. Your house appears to be a staged room from a museum. It looks like someone used to live there, but only the people passing by care to look now.

Why is it that when we look at a house to buy, we expect that it will look like this? Why do we think that when we leave our lived-in house to go look at another house, the house we are looking at should appear to be something from a museum, staged to look like no one lives there, with absolutely nothing out of place? Are we really so narrow-minded that we can't see past someone's mess, and see the house instead of the mess?

Because people are so specific about how they want things to be when they look at a house, people are now paid to "stage" houses. In this time when most people are worrying about how much they will get out of this house to put towards their next house, and to have for being able to move, they have to consider whether or not to hire a professional to help them stage their house, as well as make upgrades like changing the carpet, repairing things around the house, etc. So now, you have an issue where you are spending money just to sell your house, and the years of mortgage payments you've made don't recoup you anything in equity towards your next house.

Why can't we overlook small imperfections to envision a house that we want to live in, without having to have everything in perfect order? Why does it always have to be in immaculate condition, looking like a museum for us to be able to have any sort of insight into what it will look like? Are we really so narrow-minded?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Brinkley is 4 Months Old!!!

I copied this from my wife's blog, but wanted to share it on mine, because I love my girls, and think they are amazing!!!

Brinkley Adelynn
4 Months (This post is a little past due)
Ms. Brink you are now 4 months. You are such a sweet little girl! Definitely different from your older sister. You are a little bit fussy but we just found out you are teething which could be the cause. You smile a whole lot though which makes up for any fussiness and you love to cuddle! We love you so much and are so glad last year about this time that we found out you were on your way! God sure has a sense of humor when it comes to us and our "plans". I can't wait to see what you will do this next month.
~Weight 13.5# 58%(you are slowing down on your weight gain, although you have tons of cute little chubby rolls)
~Height 22.75in
~Sleeping all night long!!!!!! From about 9pm-530am when you eat and go back to sleep until 8-9!
~You rolled over this past month from your tummy to your back.
~You aren't actually crawling yet, but you are definitely schooching all over the place. The last two nights you woke me up beacuse you schooched over to your fish and turned them on with your head! ha
~We found out you are teething!!!! You definitely have no plans of following in your sisters footsteps in any way!
~You had your first ear infection unfortunately which they blamed on the forest fires and all the smoke they are causing.
~You have survived another month and being stepped on and bonked by Ms. Hadley.
~You have really started to watch Hadley and you love to smile at her when she does pay you some attention without accidently bonking you!
~You had your hair braided for the first time and it is adorable!
~You celebrated your first fourth of July and fireworks by sleeping right through them!
~You got to spend several weeks with your cousin Candyce. (which mommy and daddy LOVED the extra help and you loved the extra cuddles)
 We love you baby girl and the excitment and challenges you bring to our family!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Price of Life

What is a human life worth? According to, the average earnings for the lifetime of an American is $2,173,000.75. So, is that what a life is worth then...two million dollars? We'll use that figure just for our sakes. That would mean that each year of an American's life is worth $27,611.19. I have come up with these figures for a specific reason, which you will see as you continue to read.

A study done by Oxford University on nearly one million people around the world revealed some very interesting facts about our weight and the way it adversely affects our lives. The study showed that moderate obesity, which is now a common problem, not merely in the United States of America, but in other countries as well, can reduce a person's life expectancy by about three years. Based on the yearly value we placed on life in the first paragraph, that is a value of $82,833.57. The study also showed that severe obesity, which is becoming increasingly more common can shorten your life expectancy by 10 years. Again, using the figures from the first paragraph, to lose 10 years off of your life would be a monetary loss of $276,111.90. This is a very sizable amount of money, at least to the average American.

Now, by this time, you probably have come to the conclusion that I am either completely out of my mind or totally stupid. How could anyone possibly place such a low value on a human being's life? Don't you see that you can't put a price tag on a human life? Life is priceless. And to this I would say...I concur. The years that we have here on this earth are so short that we should treasure each and every one of them.

We talked about how being overweight can cause a loss of 3-10 years of life. Because those 3-10 years lost would be off of the end of our life, we would miss some of the most amazing things in life. Watching with pride as your children graduate from college and get married. Getting to see a grandchild being born...getting to see a great-grandchild being born. Watching your grandchildren learn to play sports, play an instrument or love art. Getting to just spend time with the ones you love.

Our lives are short enough already without us artificially shortening them by making unhealthy choices. If I told you that I had a guaranteed way to add 3-10 years to your life, would you listen? If I could help you by showing you a 100% guaranteed way to lose the extra weight you have, and get healthier, would you want to know more? I have a way, and it is very simple. It does not require hours and hours at the gym. It does not require you to go on a weird diet where you have to shop only at health food stores. In fact, you will not have to change your diet at ALL. I'm sure you're sitting there saying, "Ok, yeah, whatever." But don't forget...I said this is 100% guaranteed.

Trust me...I am not an easy sell on ANYTHING, so when I heard about this, I was more skeptical than you are right now that it would work. Then I saw a friend who had used it, and it had worked. Then my wife started to use it, and it worked for her as well. So, what is this "miracle" product called. It's called Plexus, and really is no miracle. It is science. The first thing my wife started using from this company was the Plexus Slim, which was originally designed to help diabetics manage their blood sugar levels in a natural way. This is an all natural drink which helps to regulate blood sugars, maintain healthy blood pressure, promotes beneficial cholesterol and lipid levels and uses all-natural ingredients to promote healthy weight loss. The results using just one delicious, all-natural drink each morning were amazing. After a couple of weeks, she added the Accelerator pill, which, when combined with the Plexus Slim drink, helps to increase energy as well as continue to suppress appetite, allowing for maximum fat burning.

If you still feel very skeptical, please be assured that you can try this product completely risk free, because when you order, you have 60 days to return any unused portion, and the full purchase price will be refunded to you. My wife and I are not salesmen by any stretch of the imagination. She is a Nurse, and I am a CNA, but she is now signed up as an ambassador for this company, and because of how it has helped her, we are both very excited to share this amazing, all-natural product with as many people as possible. When you believe in something, and are excited about it, you don't really have to "sell" just tell people about how it can help them, and how it has helped you, and if it is any sells itself.

Now, if you have looked at the prices, you may be sitting there going, "Ok, that's nice, if I had the money." Well, let's tie all of this jumbled mess together. We talked about the monetary value of life...then basically threw that out the window, because life is far too priceless to put a price tag on. We agreed that extra years added onto the end of life would be much appreciated. Now I have shown you how you can lose weight easily, gaining back some of the years you would otherwise lose, and all in a 100% guaranteed way. Why would you take all of this information, and not act on what you now know?

Please, if you have any questions, or need more information, please leave a comment and I WILL get back to you with more information. Don't lose years of your life because you pass up on an opportunity to try something and you are skeptical. Your life is as long as you can.

If you would like to order some today, my wife's ambassador number is 133857.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Equal Rights

I realize that by writing this blog, I'm stepping into very controversial waters, and I'm OK with that. I am not here to write about only things that will make people feel good, but maybe things that will make people uncomfortable once in a while as well. That being said, I will get down to the matter at hand.

Every day in the United States of America people battle for equal rights. New laws are enacted to give certain groups the same rights that other groups have experienced for years. The most notable groups that fight for rights are fighting for women's rights and gay rights.

Women want to be treated equally in the workplace. They do not want to be discriminated against just because of the fact that they are a women. They want equal pay, equal opportunities and fair evaluations. Women want to be allowed to join the military should they choose that career path, and not feel any repercussions based on their sex.

A huge issue in the news right now is equal rights for gays and lesbians. Homosexual couples want to be able to marry and have the same rights as a "traditional" or straight couple. Homosexual couples want equal health benefits, which is a huge issue in a time where government mandated employer health benefits are getting closer and closer.

There are many people who fight daily for their rights claiming that they have in some way been discriminated against, so I want to raise my voice among the masses, adding my protest to the others and show how I am being discriminated against with no cause at all.

I used to have seizures. I used to have seizures so violently that I was prohibited from driving, because I was a danger to myself, and I was a danger to others.  Now, however, after years of working with different doctors and trying different medications, I am seizure free.

I have been seizure free for several years, and now have a driver's license, work a job, have a family and live a normal life. If I didn't tell you that I used to have violent seizures, you would never know, because I am no different from anyone else. Do I tell people??? Yes, I tell people, because I have no reason to hide it. I have overcome that, and it has made me into the person that I am today.

Now, here is where I feel that the laws discriminate against me. The laws state that if you are taking medication for seizures, you are not allowed to get a CDL license. My seizures are fully controlled by my medication, and I am not any different than anyone else who takes medication for anything. Not being able to get my CDL limits my job opportunities severely. My doctor told me I will be on this medication the rest of my life. So, even though I may never have another seizure, the law states that I am not allowed to obtain a CDL...just because I am on the seizure medication. So much for equal rights. 

Camping 101

#1. Get Dirty!!!
#2. Level a spot for the tent.

#3. Eat good food with friends.
#4. Roast a marshmallow with daddy.
#5. Eat a s'more like a pro.
#6. Take a nap.
#7. Smile, because camping is fun!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monsters University

Recently, we had the awesome experience of having our niece, Candyce stay with us for about a month. While she was here, we got "Monsters Inc." and she and Hadley watched it several hundred times (more or less). Hadley now loves watching "Mon" on the DVD player in the car whenever we go anywhere, even though she usually only gets to see the first 15 minutes of it...but that 15 minutes is good.
So, because she liked "Mon" so much, we decided to go see "Monsters University" when it came out in the theater. (It helped that we had a gift card, because going to the movies is expensive.)
So, while this was not the first time we'd take Hadley to a movie, this was the first time we were taking her to a movie for her. It was in 3-D, and while she did not wear the glasses the whole time, she let me get a's just a little dark. 
I'm not sure how she watched a 3-D movie without glasses on, because it is REALLY fuzzy, but I don't know that she knew the difference. While it may seem crazy to take a 3 month old and an 18 month old to a movie, it isn't as bad as it seems. The three month old is fine, because she can nurse if she gets fussy, and although it's public breastfeeding, which has a certain stigma attached to it, theaters are dark enough that no one notices, so no one cares. The 18 month old was entertained by the movie for the most part, and we had snacks and drink with for her when she decided to get bored or need distracting.
So...if you're staying home for fear of taking out your children in public...don't!!! Take them out, and go have fun. Doesn't have to be a movie. Just get out and go have fun!!! And if people don't like how your kids behave, you can politely remind them that they were once a small child too, and probably not an angel. :-)