Monday, July 1, 2013

Monsters University

Recently, we had the awesome experience of having our niece, Candyce stay with us for about a month. While she was here, we got "Monsters Inc." and she and Hadley watched it several hundred times (more or less). Hadley now loves watching "Mon" on the DVD player in the car whenever we go anywhere, even though she usually only gets to see the first 15 minutes of it...but that 15 minutes is good.
So, because she liked "Mon" so much, we decided to go see "Monsters University" when it came out in the theater. (It helped that we had a gift card, because going to the movies is expensive.)
So, while this was not the first time we'd take Hadley to a movie, this was the first time we were taking her to a movie for her. It was in 3-D, and while she did not wear the glasses the whole time, she let me get a's just a little dark. 
I'm not sure how she watched a 3-D movie without glasses on, because it is REALLY fuzzy, but I don't know that she knew the difference. While it may seem crazy to take a 3 month old and an 18 month old to a movie, it isn't as bad as it seems. The three month old is fine, because she can nurse if she gets fussy, and although it's public breastfeeding, which has a certain stigma attached to it, theaters are dark enough that no one notices, so no one cares. The 18 month old was entertained by the movie for the most part, and we had snacks and drink with for her when she decided to get bored or need distracting.
So...if you're staying home for fear of taking out your children in public...don't!!! Take them out, and go have fun. Doesn't have to be a movie. Just get out and go have fun!!! And if people don't like how your kids behave, you can politely remind them that they were once a small child too, and probably not an angel. :-)

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