Hadley Ann...two months old on January first. That means she had to go in for her two month shots, which was not exactly a fun ordeal. :-P She cried for a few minutes after the shots, but then was achy the rest of the day, and so was kind of whiny off and on for the rest of that day, and part of the next day. I like it MUCH better when she is smiley, and not whiny. I'm weird that way.
She also got weighed and measured and all that jazz at this appointment to make sure she's still doing everything she's supposed to as far as growing. She is 22.5" long, which was the 79th percentile, weighed 10 lbs and 3 oz, which is the 50th percentile, and her head was in the 48th percentile (I forget the measurement). She's lucky...she didn't get my big head.
She's now smiling more and more in response to things we do, which I like, because then I don't make a fool out of myself without a reward. Guess that's it for this update. She's still growing and doing all the things babies do...eating, sleeping, pooping, crying...and now smiling (and once in a while a laugh, too). Here's a picture from the day she turned two months. Enjoy!!!