One billion, three hundred and thirty-two million, four hundred and sixty dollars thousand dollars!!!
This is the amount of money that Americans spend each year on ticket sales to NFL games.
Seven hundred and seventy thousand dollars!!!
This is the average salary of an NFL player.
Forty-six thousand, three hundred and twenty six dollars!!!
This is the average household income in the United States for a single income household.
How is it that the average American, who makes only 6% of what one of the 53 guys on his/her favorite team can scrape together enough money to go to multiple games every year??? Most people have spent more than the average ticket price of $78.38 before they ever get into the stadium. Many people buy a jersey, which runs anywhere from $50-$200, plus any other gear like hats, pants, facepaint, weird jewelry, cheese blocks, etc. Lots of people tailgate before the games, so figure $40 for all the food, soda, water beer, beer, charcoal, etc. Some people will buy games to play while tailgating. $60 for beanbag toss. Then you have parking. There's another $10-$30.
Ok...so let's see where we're at so far. We'll assume 4 people in your group.
$600 - 4 Jerseys at $125 each.
$50 - Other gear
$40 - Food
$60 - Games
$20 - Parking
$770 - Total Pre-game cost
$313.52 - 4 Tickets at $78.38 (average NFL ticket cost. May be more or less.)
Then you have the food, drinks, souvenirs, etc inside the stadium. It is easy to spend another $100-$200 on these things for a group of 4 people before you know it. We'll say for argument's sake that $150 was spent.
$770 - Pre-game
$313.52 - Tickets
$150 - Inside cost
$1,232.52 Total cost for 4 people for about 6 hours of entertainment.
That's more than my mortgage costs each month!!!! People complain about having to live off of minimum wage. People try to strike from working a fast food job, because they aren't getting paid enough. People complain that professional sports players are making too much money. People complain that ticket prices are too high. People complain that food is too expensive inside the stadium. Guess who's paying the professional sports player's salaries. YOU!!! The one's who are whining and complaining that you don't get paid enough, and they get paid too much. You sit there and whine about it, and then go to the game, buy the gear, and pay their salary.
They are getting paid that much because the money is there. Guess what would happen if no one went to the games, or bought the gear. They would have to quit paying them so much money. The NFL does not have its own mint where they are printing their own bills so they can pay their players tons of money just for fun. NO!!! You, the whiny, complaining fools who sit there and moan about how your life is so horrible and everyone else has it so much better...You are paying their salary. Congratulations!!! Now...quit reading and get back to your minimum wage job so you can afford to go to another game this year, and pay someone's salary and have something to whine about.
A random blog about a lot of different things. I may seem to have a chip on my shoulder, but really I just like to find confrontational things and, instead of shying away from them, bring them out and talk about them. Read, enjoy, follow and share if you like. If you have a topic you would like me to look at and write about, or any feedback, please feel free to comment and let me know.
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